So, we’ve all been in a state of complete confusion — we have no idea what to do in a particular situation and we blank. When we are frustrated with everything because this is the worst we’ve felt and we feel alone and confused and angry for no apparent reason. So, what is it that we should do in such situations?
Let me first tell you, that you’re not alone. In fact, almost everyone feels that way at some point in life.
The world that we are used to indicates that there’s a huge chance that we searched the web for the answer to our question. Just typing in “What to do when you don’t know what to do” yields gazillion results with many websites speaking about various techniques and practices.
For me though, this is where the actual trouble starts —
Solution 1
Some websites may suggest that giving up is for the weak and that we should ‘fight’ till the very end. That we are stronger than we think and we should see this one through. We should never be giving in and one day it’ll all be worth it.
Solution 2
While others give insights about why starting fresh would be exactly what you needed. How you shouldn’t continue to do the things that you think are holding you back and that learning to let go is absolutely crucial.
So, now you’re even more than you initially were and have 32 tabs open with each of them telling you different things. So, what is it that you should do in such a scenario?
I’ll tell you what I think you should do —
- Before searching for a solution in the web, talk to real people who you know are successful; because chances are they’ve been through a similar phase.
- Analyze the situation from a different perspective — is this activity helping you grow as a person or is it actually stopping you from living your life?
- Make sure you don’t let others make the decision for you, be your own judge.
And in the end, no matter what you do — fight or quit — the choice has to be yours. It simply cannot be someone’s opinion of what must be done. It is your life, don’t pass the control to someone else.