we are constantly trying to be perfect and “win at life”. life isn’t a competetion to “win” we focus so much on the results and getting things done right and perfectly in order to get to some place “nice” or to “make it”. if you’re extremely religious, this is heaven for you. so, here in life we are trying to do all the things necessary to get to a point where you can say you made it. every action of ours is in line with this goal of ours. guess what! i have a deal breaker for you!
life is the real deal.
this is it theres nothing more to it. this present moment is all you have to make a change in this world and in your own reality. stop trying to constantly get to someplace far.
because i’ve come to realise that all of us are in constant anticipation of what the future holds instead of just living in the present moment and enjoying this to the fullest!
and every present moment has become an anticipated memory of the past. it’s such a paradoxical life we are living and it is time we change that. so, stop trying to convince yourself there’s somewhere better to be instead just focus on doing your best at the current moment. works as hard as you can on yourself. be kind to everyone. you can’t technically fail at life because life isn’t an exam — you’re bound to have good and bad days but you keep moving forward and continually and relentlessly work on your skills and develop them!