Everyone in this world has many different opinions about many different things around us. We have opinions about movies, politics, cats, dogs, music, books, dance, guitars, cars, pens, sex, love, space and what not! No one can say they do not have an opinions about something; because we are human beings and we are supposed to think and create an impression about the things that happen around us and to us. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t. We must perceive things and understand them and develop preferences for certain things over the other. We need to see all the different events and cultivate different views about them. That’s what we are meant to do and that’s why we are given the privilege think and if we didn’t do that, we’d be wasting our brain’s abilities.
So, all of us are entitled to our own opinions. Every single one of us. But..
We have misused that right. We have come to believe that opinions are facts and that what we think and how we see is the only way to look at things. Let me elaborate:
Just because you have seen something in a certain way and developed an idea about it, it doesn’t mean everyone in this world is gonna agree with you. In fact, most of them might disagree with you. You do not have to right to assume that your sentiment is a fact and you sure as hell should not stuff it in people’s face. Learn to respect other people’s viewpoint and try to understand that. Everyone can teach you something you don’t know. In fact, listening to their idea may help you to look at it in a way you never thought of before.
Discussion is an exchange of information. Argument is an exchange of ignorance.
Stop being ignorant of the people around you. In this world of social media, you can share your views across continents in a matter of seconds, which is what I’m doing right now, so you need to be able to accept others take on the matter and be open to new ideas and discussions. You might be used to the idea that you’ve developed but that doesn’t make it true; not does it make the other person’s notion less valuable.
Also, it is important to understand that your opinion of something doesn’t make it a reality or the truth. It is simply the way you have seen the issue or event and how your brain has come to understand it. I kindly request you to think before dismissing someone’s impression of a matter. Before talking about anything ask yourself three things
- Is it necessary?
- Is it kind?
- Does it make a difference.
If the answer to any one of those questions is no, may be you should just keep quiet. Stop hurting and attacking others sentiments. Keep calm and love well.
Everyone can have their own opinion, everyone cannot have their own fact.