Our experiences define who we are. Our past shapes what we become.
You cannot deny your lessons and expect to move forward. We all have preconcieved notions about almost every thing in this world. We are toned by them and they make us who we are! The best you can do is understand, accept, and learn.
Understand: Figure out what experiences mean the most to you, hurt you the most or taught you the most lessons. Analyse these situations and figure out what it was that you did. You can mostly certainly pick out patterns from most of your life lessons. Figure out these patterns and you will be able to understand yourself better.
Accept: Acceptance is the key to moving on. You cannot learn until you have come to terms with what you have done. You will not be right at all times and that is okay, you need to admit that. Admit that t yourself, before anyone else because that is the most important thing.
Learn: Now it time to learn from what you have done. What could you have done differently to have avoided the mistake? What are some of the steps you can take to acheive that?
We all need to grow and learn from our mistakes and the more we are open to doing that the faster we grow.